martes, octubre 21, 2008

The Seeds Of Love

There's a garden inside my heart, a peaceful garden to rest and dream,
A cheerful space that has no soil, with plenty of flowers for me to smell.
I can't see water but hear a river; I feel its vibes of powerful stream,
I'm not quite sure where the surge is, it's in my veins so you can tell.
I think it's flowing inside my brain, an endless bursting, can I say bubbling?
Throughout the flowers, shining within me, warming and caring and giving…
All I can say there's so much beauty that must be shown and shared.
Come on and join me, don't be afraid, I'll never ask for you to stay...

Foto: Persio Domínguez

1 Comentarios:

Blogger Franci dijo...

Vamos perdidos... los dos....
Un saludo y un abrazo...

9:05 a. m.  

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